Monday, April 19, 2010

Linked Libraries (better than appending for group projects)

Here is the process of linking libraries/groups/armatures to one another in Blender. In many ways this is superior to APPENDING because it preserves weight painting and armatures. On the flipside, this process is more tedious and requires some setup:

I prefer the following method:
1) In master file, set the PATHS in User Preferences to 'relative'
2) group everything you want in the master file by selecting them in object mode and hitting CTRL+G (select Add to New Group). You can rename the group in the Objects Panel (F7).
3) In the New Blender file that you want to link stuff into, go to File>Append/Link. Toggle the LINK button (as opposed to the APPEND button) and then click into the master .blend file. Go into the 'Groups' directory and choose your group.
4) Though it appears that nothing has happened, something has been added to your scene. In object mode hit the space bar and choose ADD>GROUP>your group name
5) Now you see a linked uneditable replica of the master group.
6) To allow for editability select the group and hit CTRL+ALT+P to make a proxy (similar to an Instance in Flash).

A slightly different method can be read about here:
Read More HERE:

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